In release 1.3.11 FriCAS provides 64 bit Intel/AMD Linux binary. ATM binaries for other platforms are for version 1.3.8. That includes 32 bit Intel/AMD Linux binary and experimenal binaries for 64 bit Intel/AMD macOS and Windows (current macOS and Windows binaries do not support X11, so there is no graphic support and no HyperDoc). Linux Note Linux tarball contain files (with full pathnames) which would be installed when building from source using default prefix (/usr/local/bin). Most of FriCAS files is in usr/local/lib/fricas subdirectory. This subdirectory can be moved to any convenient place. In the usr/local/bin subdirectory are executable commands (fricas and efricas). 64 bit Intel/AMD Linux binary was build using sbcl-1.4.16 and includes hunchentoot web server needed to run jfricas. This binary was build on old Gentoo system. 32-bit Linux binary Linux binary was build using sbcl-1.1.1 on Debian Etch. Binaries have only few dependencies: libc, libm, libutil, libXpm, libSM, libICE, libX11 which should be present in all desktop Linux systems. They should work correctly on many different Linux distributions. Note: for best performance you should install GMP library (otherwise FriCAS will use slower routines for arithmetic on large numbers). To work correctly FriCAS must know where to find its files. To ensure this main FriCAS executables (fricas and efricas) are shell scripts. If you put main fricas subdirectory in different place than /usr/local/lib/fricas you need to update path contained in the scripts. fricas script contains path just in one place: at the beginning there is assignment to FRICAS variable. So, if you use 64-bit machine and you put fricas files in /home/joe/software/fricas than you need to change the line: FRICAS="${exec_prefix}/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux" to read: FRICAS='/home/joe/software/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux' Similarly for 32-bit version, just the final part of the path is different. Namely, change: FRICAS="${exec_prefix}/lib/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux" to read: FRICAS='/home/joe/software/fricas/target/i686-pc-linux' The same change is needed in internal 'fricas' script, which assuming paths like above will be in file /home/joe/software/fricas/target/x86_64-unknown-linux/fricas In efricas script one have to do 2 changes: change FRICASCMD variable and replace "/usr/local/lib/fricas/emacs" by new value like: "/home/joe/software/fricas/emacs" Note: the emacs command line in efricas script must be a single line. Also, exactly preserve double/single quotes in this files. Mac OSX note: The provided tarball contains Mac OSX application bundle which should just work after unpacking. Note: FriCAS is also available via MacPorts and homebrew, those may be preferable to binaries available here. OLD CYGWIN NOTE. Before you install cygwin binaries you need to install Cygwin. Minimally you you need to install xorg-server, xinit, xterm, clisp from the Cygwin distribution. To run FriCAS first launch X server from start menu - it's under "Cygwin/X => XWinServer" entry. Make sure you run X server in multi-window mode. EVEN OLDER CYGWIN NOTES: they list several packages, which are not strictly necessary but which may help using FriCAS. Before you install cygwin binaries you need to install Cygwin via setup.exe from FriCAS uses recent Cygwin version, if you already have Cygwin you may have to upgrade it. Download fricas-1.0.8.cygwin.tar.bz2. Start the Cygwin setup program. The first few questions can be answered with their default values, until you get to the "Select Packages" dialog. Clicking on a little + will expand the list of packages. You should select apart from the defaults the following: In Devel: gcc-mingw gcc-mingw-core In Math: clisp In Publishing: psutils tetex tetex-base tetex-bin tetex-extra tetex-tiny tetex-x11 In X11: xterm xinit font-adobe-dpi75 In Editors: emacs emacs-X11 Complete the Cygwin installation process. Restart the setup program, but now click on "install from local directory". Leave the setting of the cygwin root directory as is, but set the "local package directory" to the directory containing FriCAS tarball, as a MS Windows path.