FriCAS download page

Downloads Installation instructions

Currently source tarballs and current Linux binaries are available. Current Mac OSX and Windows binaries are beta (build process is new) and do not support graphics and HyperDoc.

fricas-1.3.11.full.tar.bz2 is a "full" source tarball containing pregenerated Lisp files and images. To use it you need working Lisp compiler.

fricas-1.3.11.amd64.tar.bz2 is 64-bit binary for amd64 (x86_64) Linux. Binary is _not_ specific to any distribution, it should work equally well on various distributions. Provided binary were build using sbcl-1.4.16. It contains GMP support: if you have GMP installed on your machine FriCAS will use it, otherwise FriCAS will use slower routines provided by sbcl. This binary also contains hunchentoot web server, needed to run jfricas.

fricas-1.3.8.i386.tar.bz2 is 32-bit binary for i386 Linux. Binary is _not_ specific to any distribution, it should work equally well on various distributions. Provided binary were build using sbcl-1.1.1 and contain GMP support: if you have GMP installed on your machine FriCAS will use it, otherwise FriCAS will use slower routines provided by sbcl.

Or you can use: Sourceforge download page



You need a working Git command.

Read-Only Access

To get the mainline version of FriCAS just do

git clone

This will put the sources in a directory named fricas. Note that you need to fetch dependencies separately. Also, Git version contains only a few pregenerated files -- just enough to bootstrap.

You can browse Git repository online Logo